Head of Department, Ph.D.

The Department of Radioisotope Analyses is a methodological unit that supports research involving radioactive isotopes. One of its tasks is to acquaint the Institute workers with theoretical and practical aspects of radioactivity measurement procedures so as to ensure proper employment of sophisticated instrumentation for counting of radioactivity. The Department is constantly updating the radioactivity measurement methods introducing modern techniques either devised by the Department or reported in international scientific journals.

Also the study of the structure and function of deoxyribonucleoproteins is being conducted. The main approach for solving these problems is the use of cross-linking agents (UV-light, g-irradiation, heavy metals), capable of inducing stable bonds between DNA and proteins, and to do so in intact organisms, cells, nuclei and isolated chromatin.

Selected Papers

1. Kolomijtseva G.Ya., Mandel R., Brahms J.G. DNA-Protein Interaction in Nucleosomes and in Chromatin. Structural Studies of Chromatin Stabilized by Ultraviolet-Light-Induced Crosslinking. Eur. J. Biochem. (1979) 96, 257-265

2. Kostyuchenko D.A., Kostyuchenko V.I., Kolomijtseva G.Ya. A comparative enzymatic study on the structure of chromatin in the nuclei of the growing microplasmodium of Physarum polycephalum. Biokhimiya (1982) 47, 1392-1400

3. Kolomijtseva G.Ya., Kurochkina L.P. Isolation of modified histone H3 from ultraviolet irradiated dezoxyribonucleoprotein by RFHPLC. Analyt.Biochem. (1989) 178, 88-99

4. Kolomijtseva G.Ya., Kurochkina L.P. Photoinduced crosslinking of histones H3 and H1 to DNA in deoxyribonucleoprotein: Implication in studying of histone-DNA interaction. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1992), 187, 261-267

5. Osipov A.N., Kolomijtseva G.Ya. Post-irradiation Change of DNA-Protein Cross-Links and Single-Strand DNA Breaks in Different Organs of g-Irradiated Rats. Biokhimiya (1996) 61, .927-931