Head of Department

The Department is mainly concerned with the information support of the research work done in the A.N.Belozersky Institute, above all, with the goal-oriented scientific programs. The work involves a comprehen-sive approach with the use of the present day forms and methods of information servicing, including reviews of original scientific peri-odicals, current documentation press proofs, reference journals, databases. Besides, the staff of the Department carries out scien-tometrical investigations of the dataflow in modern science.

The main task of the Department's Computer Group (Dr. V.K.Nikolaev and co-workers) is to provide the GeneBee service for worldwide scientists working in the field of molecular biology and medicine: the Inter-net/e-mail access to sequence and 3D-struc-ture databases accompanied by sequence-structure-analysis ( The group is actively engaged to developing of new bio-computing procedures and distributed data-base management. Also the group's staff is responsible for technical support of Institute's Internet domain, WWW and E-mail servers, local network facilities and MEDLINE local service - the database of abstracts from medi-cal and biological journals. Computer group provides education in main biocomputing packages.

Recent Selected Papers

1. Belikova, M.P., Zalesova, Z. G. Comparative study on informational activities of biochemists and chemists of Soviet Union. In: Logic of science development and scien-tometrical analysis of individual branches of chemistry. (1976) M., MSU, 56-67.

2. Gus'kova, L. I., Lipitskaya, I. Ya., Belikova,M.P., Zaslesova, Z.G. Studies on citation of some branches of molecular biology and bioorganic chemistry. Vestnik MGU (1982) 1, 60-67.

3. Gus'kova, L.I., Lipitskaya I.Ya., Zalesova Z.G. Citation of publications on "Bacteriorodopsin" project. Vestnik AN SSSR (1982) 12, 56-62

4. Gus'kova L.I., Zalesova Z.G. Citation index and informational flow in biochemistry. Biokhimiya (1989) 54, 1927-1933.

5. Gus'kova, L.I., Markusova, V.A., Zalesova Z.G. Contribution of A. N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology (MSU) in the world informational flow. Application of scientometrics to biochemistry. Biokhimiya (1992) 57, 1109-1116.