
Belozersky Institute


Russian EMBnet Node

Английская версия

Проекты Людвиговского Института Раковых Исследований

  • A Ca2+-binding protein, recoverin as a paraneoplastic antigen and
        a potential marker of small cell lung carcinoma.

          Project leader: Professor P.P.Philippov.
  • Mitochonria in TNF-induced apoptosis: potential target
        for optimization of anti-cancer therapy and treatment of TNF-dependent

          Project leader: Member of Russian Academy of Sciences V.P.Skulachev .
  • Identification and characterization of new cancer antigens
          Project leader: Professor S.A.Nedospasov
  • Role of prothymosin a in cancer development, apoptosis, and immune response.
          Project leader: Professor A.B.Vartapetian